Recent Changes to Child Maintenance

The Child Maintenance Service will shortly take over dealing with child maintenance claims.  Initially this will be for families where there are more than 4 children but it will eventually roll out to all families and the current Child Support Agency will close, although this is not likely to be for sometime until all claims are under the new system.

Parents will be encouraged to reach agreements themselves but if they cannot then they can apply to the Child Maintenance Service.

The percentages of net income that the paying parent has to pay have changed.

Net income is worked out taking gross income less tax and national insurance contributions. Any pension contributions made by the paying parent can now be deducted from the gross income.

The percentages are:-

1 child = 12%
2 children = 16%
3 or more children = 19%

If the paying parent’s gross income is less than £200 or more than £800 per week then the rate is different.

If the paying parent has other children living with them or pays for other children then again the rate is different.

Once the rate is ascertained it will only change if the paying parent loses a job, gains employment or their current income changes by 25%.

Please contact us for further information.