We reported, in our last article, on the outcome of the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman’s investigation into Debbie Westwick’s breast cancer care and into the handling of her complaints by the East Kent NHS Foundation Trust and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust.
Within that article we acknowledge the importance of media coverage.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the publishing of the report has attracted further media coverage and we attach, to this article, two items:-
Firstly, the recording of Nick’s interview, with BBC Radio Kent, last Friday morning.
Within the interview, Nick stressed what a serious and profound finding it was for the Ombudsman to have ruled that both Trusts were guilty of “mal-administration”, following the Trusts not dealing with Debbie’s complaints for the best part of two years.
The Ombudsman’s findings as regards failings in Debbie’s clinical care was also covered.
Nick was particularly critical of the Maidstone Trust in the handling of Debbie’s complaint, accusing the Trust of being in “institutional denial”.
Please click below to listen to a recording of the program.
Secondly, last Thursday, Nick appeared within the BBC South East Today’s coverage of the case.
Debbie was not well enough to take part in the program but prepared a statement for transmission. The program also included archive footage from Debbie.
To view a video of the program please click below.