The well known Peer, and advertising guru, Lord Saatchi, is seeking to introduce a Medical Innovation Bill to safeguard cancer doctors from a perceived risk of litigation if they engaged in unorthodox treatments in seeking to cure those who are terminally ill in the late stages of the disease.
The move is of interest locally as one of the supporters of the bill is Mavis Nye, from Seasalter, who is terminally ill with mesothelioma, believed to have been contracted from washing her husband’s clothes back when he worked at Chatham Dock Yard and was exposed to asbestos.
Mavis has been campaigning, alongside Lord Saatchi, as the bill progresses through the early stages of its Parliamentary journey.
Nick Fairweather, however, speaking on BBC South East, questioned the need for legislation.
Commenting further on the issue, Nick states:-
“Of course I have enormous sympathy for Mavis and anyone facing a terminal illness. What I question, however, is whether there is a need for fresh legislation in this area. The current system does not prevent doctors from doing their best for patients and experimental trials of new procedures are fairly common place in the treatment of cancer. I wish Mavis all the very best, however, and have exchanged emails with her on the subject since her story was covered by BBC South East.”
Anyone wanting to make a donation to Mavis’ campaign to raise money for the Mesothelioma UK charity can do so at www.justgiving.com/mavis-nye.
To view the BBC South East coverage of the news please click below: