Pregnancy/birth injuries Medical Negligence

Pregnancy and child birth can give rise to a number of complications affecting the unborn child, newborn baby or mother. Obstetric and gynaecological cases account for the largest number of medical negligence claims brought each year.

Typical cases that arise include:-

  • Failure or delay in diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Mismanagement of pregnancy including screening failures – for example failing to identify a congenital disorder in utero.
  • Delay/failure in recognising and urgently managing / delivering, (eg by C section), a baby who is distressed or otherwise compromised  during the birthing process, resulting in  still birth / brain damage / cerebral palsy.
  • Negligent delivery including use of forceps or ventouse  causing vaginal / perineal tears / fistulas to mum or injury to baby – eg an erb’s palsy / brachial plexus injury.
  • Failure/delay in adequately managing a baby that is born in a poor condition.
  • Missed or delayed diagnoses of conditions in a baby which can result in brain damage, including hydrocephalus, congenital heart defects and periventricular leucomalacia (PVL).
  • Failure/delay in adequately treating a baby that has been born healthily but subsequently presents with worrying symptoms, including low blood sugar levels, signs of meningitis, jaundice, congenital disorders, etc.

Our team has many years experience of dealing with claims involving all aspects of gynaecological and obstetric care including high value birth trauma cases involving injuries of maximum severity.

If you or your family need the assistance of our experienced specialist team of Clinical Negligence Solicitors then please submit your case details for our consideration.

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