Nick Fairweather appears on Jeremy Vine show to discuss CQC’s findings on inspecting East Kent Maternity Units

Nick Fairweather appears on Jeremy Vine show to discuss CQC’s findings on inspecting East Kent Maternity Units

26th May 2023 – Nick was one of the guests on the Jeremy Vine show today invited to comment on the findings of the Care Quality Commission when they inspected the East Kent Maternity Department in January of this year, finding appalling hygiene, equipment and clinical practices in place, to the point where closing the William Harvey Unit was a real possibility.Continue reading this article

Trust admits that negligent failure to prevent deterioration of a sacral pressure sore led to death of 71 year old man

Trust admits that negligent failure to prevent deterioration of a sacral pressure sore led to death of 71 year old man

4th May 2022 – Our Client, Mrs S, from Canterbury, Kent came to us following the sad loss of her father, Mr C, in August 2019. Mr C had reduced mobility following a discectomy in 2017 and he was therefore largely wheelchair bound. As a result of this had a heightened risk of pressure ulcers which was suitably managed by his community healthcare team whilst he was living at home.Continue reading this article