Archie Batten’s Inquest resumes tomorrow

23rd May 2022 – The Inquest into the death of Archie Batten, who was born on Sunday 1 st September 2019, and lived for just 27 minutes, is due to resume tomorrow at the Archbishop’s Palace in Maidstone before the Assistant Coroner for North East Kent Sonia Hayes.

The Inquest hearing began on Monday 14th March and heard evidence over 2 weeks up until Friday 25th March when the hearing was adjourned, part heard, until tomorrow. The Coroner ruled previously that Article 2 is engaged in the Inquest proceedings.

It is anticipated that the Coroner will conclude hearing evidence tomorrow and then give her findings and conclusion in relation to Archie’s death.

The East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, responsible for the QEQM Hospital Margate where Archie was born and died, is an Interested Party to the proceedings as are 4 of the midwives who treated Archie and his mother Rachel.

The family are represented by us, Fairweathers Solicitors LLP, and by Richard Baker of 7 Bedford Row Chambers in London. Both Richard and we are acting for the family pro bono (free of charge) in the Inquest proceedings.

The East Kent Trust have earlier admitted liability for negligently causing Archie’s death.

We represent 18 families in all who have suffered still births, neonatal deaths or other injuries arising at the QEQM hospital Margate, or other local hospitals operated by the East Kent Trust, most of whose cases are being considered by the Kirkup Enquiry into maternity services in East Kent. Other families whom we have represented at Inquests include those of Archie Powell and Luchii Gavrilescu.

We also represented Tom and Sarah Richford in successfully pursuing civil proceedings arising out of the death of their son Harry Richford.

A press release will be published on our website tomorrow following the conclusion to the Inquest being delivered.

If you or your family need the assistance of an experienced team of Clinical Negligence Solicitors surrounding an inquest or civil claim then please do not hesitate to phone us free on 0800 999 5585, request a call back or submit your case details.