3rd August 2023 – Our client Mrs M from the West Country instructed Fairweathers after experiencing a terrible ordeal following the birth of her son in May 2020.
Most unusually placental tissue was left behind following her C-section and there followed a series of further mistakes which resulted in the retained products not being removed until the end of November 2020.
Understandably Mrs M was very distressed by these events and instructed this firm to investigate her legal remedies.
A report was obtained from an expert Obstetrician / Gynaecologist which was critical of the two Hospital Trusts who had cared for Mrs M (University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust).
Our expert advised that not only was it negligent to leave behind placental tissue at birth but also an opportunity to diagnose RPOC days later was missed.
Furthermore once diagnosed an MVA procedure unacceptably removed less than 50% of the retained products and then Mrs M was subjected to yet another procedure without general anaesthetic.
Letters of Claim were sent to the respective Trusts and a full admission was provided by one of the Trusts.
This enabled the parties to engage in settlement discussions and after an exchange of offers the case settled for £22,000.
Steve Evans, Senior Clinical Negligence Solicitor with conduct of the case commented:
“What should have been a joyful experience for Mrs M turned into a nightmare. Mrs M showed great fortitude in adversity and I am delighted that she is able to move on with her life after making the right decision to claim compensation”.
If you or your family need the assistance of our experienced specialist team of Clinical Negligence Solicitors then please submit your case details for our consideration.