£17,000 recovered in retained placenta case

1st Aug 2018 – Our client, Ms M from Dover, brought a claim against East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust after retained products of conception were missed after she gave birth to her first child in May 2015.

As a direct result she had unnecessary and traumatic hospital admissions in June 2015 as well as a further procedure under general anaesthetic.

Ms M was subsequently diagnosed with psychiatric injury associated with prolonged severe bleeding, additional abdominal pain and the unnecessary attendances in hospital. Specifically, she suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Ms M instructed us to investigate what happened and an opinion was obtained from an expert Consultant Obstetrician who identified the errors made during the birth delivery procedure.  In addition, a Consultant Psychiatrist prepared a psychiatric report.

A Letter of Claim was sent to East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust alleging substandard practice.  It was alleged that the Defendant failed to remove a significant piece of placental tissue and failed to recognise that the placenta was not complete.  It was further alleged that the post partem bleed shortly after delivery should have alerted the treating Clinicians to retained placental tissue.

The Trust investigated the claim and sensibly accepted liability for what had happened, opening the way for settlement negotiations.

After further detailed discussions with Ms M in order to fully quantify her losses, the case was settled on very satisfactory terms in the sum of £17,000.

Stephen Evans, the Solicitor with conduct of this matter throughout commented:

I am pleased that this was a relatively straight forward case in that the client came to us with a clearly identifiable grievance to be investigated, we obtained the necessary expert evidence and submitted the claim. Thereafter, we received sensible admissions and achieved settlement without the need for litigation.  Thus, Ms M’s claim was resolved quickly and she was able to move on with her life having obtained appropriate compensation for what happened”.

If you or a member of your family believes you have a claim then please do not hesitate to phone us free on 0800 999 5585, request a call back or submit your case details.