6th December 2022 – Our client Mr D from mid-Kent came to us because of his delayed diagnosis of malignant melanoma whilst under the care of West Malling Group Practice, specifically Dr Carter and Nurse Witmond.
He was concerned that during the period June 2016 – January 2017 various practitioners at the GP Surgery had failed to properly assess his moles and refer him to dermatology under the 2 week Suspected Cancer Referral System.
After an extensive investigation, which involved obtaining supportive expert reports, taking detailed witness statements and relying on contemporaneous photographs, a claim was made against West Malling Group Practice for both physical and psychiatric injuries.
An interesting feature of this case was that Mr D suffered from severe Narcolepsy/Cataplexy which had been triggered by his immunosuppressant drug (Nivolumab). It was our experts’ view that, had Mr D’s diagnosis not been negligently delayed, he would have avoided all of his immunotherapy treatment which meant that he would not have suffered his life changing condition.
Dr Carter and Nurse Witmond were both represented by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) and after completing their investigations a settlement meeting was arranged in September 2022 even though they had denied liability.
We always felt that Mr D had a very strong case and this was reflected in the final settlement of £113,000.
Steve Evans Senior Clinical Negligence Solicitor with conduct of the case commented: “Mr D was always very clear about what had happened and had the good sense to take some photographs and I am delighted that he persevered even though MDU failed to provide the admissions his case deserved. It has to be hoped that the practitioners involved have learned from the case”.
Mr D commented: “I am over the moon with the outcome. After a long complicated case I feel we did as well as we possibly could…. The biggest win is that I am alive and ready to get back to my life”.
If you or your family need the assistance of an experienced team of Clinical Negligence Solicitors surrounding an inquest or civil claim then please do not hesitate to phone us free on 0800 999 5585, request a call back or submit your case details.